Building a TYPO3 extension in Extbase/Fluid
Adding/registering a frontend plugin
In order to add a new frontend plugin to your extension you’ll need to change certain files. Use the standard plugins registered by the Extension Builder as an example. This is a basic example that lets you add a plugin with a list view of all records (list) and a detail view of a single record (show).
Change the following files (file paths are relative to the root of your extension /typo3conf/ext/your_extension/):
Register the plugin
'Human Readable Plugin Name'
'Human Readable Plugin Name'
Configure the plugin, defining the controller methods that will eventually call the views/templates
'VendorName.' . $_EXTKEY,
'YourModelController' => 'list, show' // methods of class YourModelController: listAction() and showAction()
Create an empty repository class that extends the Extbase Repository class
namespace VendorName\YourExtension\Domain\Repository;
namespace VendorName\YourExtension\Domain\Repository;
class YourModelRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
class YourModelRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
Inject the above created Repository Class and set the controller methods that assign the database records to variables that will be used in the Fluid templates
namespace VendorName\YourExtension\Controller;
class YourModelController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController
* clientRepository
* @var \VendorName\YourExtension\Domain\Repository\YourModelRepository
* @inject
protected $yourModelRepository = NULL;
* action list
* @return void
public function listAction()
$array_of_records = $this->yourModelRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('yourViewVariable', $array_of_records);
* action show
* @param \VendorName\YourExtension\Domain\Model\YourModel $yourmodel
* @return void
public function showAction(\VendorName\YourExtension\Domain\Model\YourModel $yourmodel)
$this->view->assign('yourViewVariable', $yourmodel);
The Fluid template for the list view, using the view variables set in the respective controller method
<f:layout name="Default" ></f:layout>
<f:section name="main">
<f:flashMessages renderMode="div" ></f:flashMessages>
<th><f:translate key="tx_yourext_domain_model_yourcontroller.main_property" ></f:translate></th>
<th><f:translate key="tx_yourext_domain_model_yourcontroller.another_property" ></f:translate></th>
<f:for each="{yourViewVariable}" as="item" key="number">
<tr class="tr-{number}">
<td><f:link.action action="show" arguments="{yourViewVariable : item.uid}" title="{item.mainProperty}">{item.mainProperty}</f:link.action></td>
The Fluid template for the list view, using the view variables set in the respective controller method
<f:layout name="Default" ></f:layout>
<f:section name="main">
<f:flashMessages renderMode="div" ></f:flashMessages>